Hi everyone,
I've made
a few presentations recently I'd like to bring to your attention.
First up, is a presentation I made at a developers conference that
covers 2 new features in Windows Server 2012. The driving idea behind it, was
to highlight “sexy” features in Windows Server 2012 and maybe make the
developers want to upgrade from whatever they're using right now.
You can find it right here
: http://prezi.com/-hjwi4wdmf6k/whats-new-in-windows-server-2012-highlights/
Second one, is a short presentation I made covering the basics of Kerberos and ways to troubleshoot Kerberos issues. If you are familiar with Kerberos on any level, this should make things a bit clearer for you.
You can find it right here : http://1drv.ms/1eWdsde
Would love to hear your thoughts about them.
That's enough presenting for now
Signing out,
Dani .H